Desktop apps are programs designed to be installed directly on a device: a PC or a laptop. They do not require internet access and a browser. They can run completely offline. This is the main feature that distinguishes them from web apps and their greatest advantage.
The desktop apps we create can work with other devices connected to the computer. Such as printers, barcode scanners, employee card scanners, payment terminals, etc. Thanks to this, our desktop software improves everyday work and automates repetitive activities. As a consequence, it helps to increase work efficiency and your profits.
We build desktop applications that can be used in a wide range of industries and activities. At AppMate, you can outsource the preparation of software for transaction and accounting systems, warehouse systems, CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management), data entry systems, point of sales (POS) or customer service offices. In addition, we can build desktop applications that can be used as document archiving software, as a reporting platform or as a support for shipping.
The technical work is preceded by an interview with the client who informs us about the goals that the software is to achieve. Already at this stage we are able to advise you a lot and convince you which functions are worth giving up and which are worth adding. Our experience as web developers allows us to estimate how best to implement a given project or just a concept. All you have to do is come to us with an idea and we will give it a real shape.
To build desktop applications we use the comprehensive capabilities of JavaScript and Electron software framework. We can create custom menu items, system tray apps and more. Later, we present a prototype of the application. You check how it works and whether it has functions useful for your business operations. Then we iteratively build the application and develop it based on the plan and feedback from the client. Then we build a demo of the application and repeat the whole process until a satisfactory result is achieved.
Because desktop apps work offline, they protect sensitive and confidential data much better. Data is not stored in an external cloud. They are also less vulnerable to digital fraud.
We can adapt desktop software to the needs of a specific company. Also in such a way that it can be used by people who have so far been digitally excluded.
The desktop software works offline, so it doesn’t slow down the browser. It works as efficiently as possible on the device without burdening its operating system.
Desktop applications are self-contained and do not face hindrance from being connected to the internet.
The desktop apps created by AppMate can be used for many purposes and for many industries. We also make them work with many devices using a USB connection.
Desktop apps give you the benefits of a desktop solution and you can still access your software from a remote computer.